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Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse


The fourth and final symptom of alcoholism is tolerance. This means you have to drink more and more alcohol in order to get drunk. .
             Alcohol abuse does not involve such a strong need to drink. It entails having difficulty with a few things in a one year time period. One problem is a failure to hold a good job, do well in school, or home responsibilities. Another problem is having alcohol-related legal problems such as being arrested for DUI or physically abusing someone while drunk. Continued drinking because of relationship problems that are caused by drinking is another problem related to alcohol abuse. These are the problems that come from alcohol abuse and may lead to alcoholism if not taken care of. .
             It is important to get help if you think that you or someone that you know may be an alcoholic or abuse alcohol regularly. The earlier you decide to do something about the problem, the chances of getting over it become better. If you have concerns, there are many routes that can be taken. First, one could go to a doctor to officially determine if you have a problem. It is important to honestly answer all the doctor's questions that he or she may have for you to determine if you have the disease. If the doctor thinks that you do have the disease, he or she can help you out. This is an important step to getting better.
             Alcoholism can be treated, but it takes a long time to do so. The treatment that you receive depends on the severity of your case and the resources that are available in your community. Treatment may require detoxification to prevent a relapse from occurring. Alcohol counseling will be used to teach alcoholics how to recognize situations and feelings that trigger their drinking and ways to cope with it. Another important aspect of treating alcoholism is the help an alcoholic receives from his or her own family members. Family therapy may be a good idea to go through if alcoholism affects the whole family.

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