The economic driving force behind social exclusion can be seen as greater competition on an international level, together with the necessity for a constantly changing and evolving workforce to meet the growing market for technically skilled employees. This need will continue to rise as thee "old" industries diminish such as mining and ship building. The needs of future industries will be based on greater technical skills and qualifications with greater adaptability of the individual. In the case of the UK we are at present falling behind almost all other countries in recruiting training and educating this "new work force". In order to achieve the necessary levels of a skilled workforce to insure future economic stability and security, we must first deal with the problems of high rates of truancy that creates a youth with a lack of education and training. This creates a lack of skilled and an educated workforce at ground level, therefore employers can not warrant employing completely unskilled and unproven workers, hence creating a group which is socially excluded from the rest of society. Individuals who have been geographically excluded from society who reside in sink or dump estates containing a large proportion of unemployed, single parents, ethnic minorities, and drug or alcohol abusers. These people will find it very difficult to obtain training, employment and education resulting from their anti social geographic circumstances. .
Social exclusion can occur under many different circumstances such as the failure of governmental departments to take responsibility for an individual. This arises through a lack of communication between departments i.e. if a youth is still at school, is a truant with a drug habit, has a string of petty criminal offences and lives in care was attempting to change the direction of their life and was looking for support from governmental resources, where would that youth look? and who would accept them under their wing?.