Thieves, alcoholics, and party maniacs are all phrases being used to describe teenagers these days. Then why is it that we are the ones being called to baby-sit small children? Why is it that we are the ones finding jobs more quickly. If we are so immature then would you really trust us with a small child? I think deep down adults find us responsible and are just working towards a brighter future, but are too afraid to admit it.
Starting with thieves. I DON"T THINK SO!!!! Okay, there may be a few bad apples that walk around stores filling our pockets, but do we all have to suffer for those few? Being asked to leave our backpacks at the counter is ridiculous. I have been in stores where I have been asked to leave my backpack at the counter and a few minutes later an adult will enter the store, and will have absolutely no hassle what so ever. Why is it that we have such a bad name when it comes to shopping?.
Alcoholics? Drinking is a part of being a teenager. There is the majority of the teenagers that drink or have tried drinking. It is not like we go out every night and drink until we puke. When we go to parties where is alcohol everywhere, and it is easy to get a hold of. Sure, we will have a drinks, I am not going to deny it, but would you rather us drink a few or drink until we have food poisoning. .
And now we come to party maniacs. We may go to parties and we may have a few parties, but it is not like we have huge disastrous parties that all parents and even cops are afraid of. Parents are afraid of leaving us home alone as they are afraid that we are going to have a huge party and completely destroy their house. There are the few maniacs that will show up at your house with their friends but all you have to do is kick them out. It is not a big deal.
Not all teenagers are troublemaking, alcoholic, party maniacs. For once give us a break and trust us. Do you not realize that there is only one bad apple in the many of good ones out there? We are trustworthy, we deserve respect and we are mature.