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The Clinton's Foreign Policy vs. The Bush's Foreign Policy


This goal is quite similar to that of Bush's foreign policy. The Bush's foreign policy "seek[s] instead to create a balance of power that favors human freedom: conditions in which all nations and all societies can choose for themselves the rewards and challenges of political and economic liberty- (Intro, page 2). The Bush's foreign policy, like the Clinton's foreign policy, equates political liberty to economical gains. Therefore, both of the foreign policies stress that their mission is to bring the world into a global democratic system based on a market-oriented economy, and to spread stability and prosperity all over the world.
             Furthermore, in both policy documents, both administrations stressed their mission to protect American interests. In the Clinton's foreign policy, it states "when our national foreign interests are threatened, we will, as America always has, use diplomacy when we can, but force if we must. We will act with others when we can, but alone when we must- (Preface, page ii). The Clinton's administration emphasizes its mission to protect the United States interests at all cost. In comparison, the Bush's foreign policy also stresses it's goal to protect American interest by stating that "[d]efending our Nation against its enemies is the first and fundamental commitment of the Federal Government- (Intro, page 2). Like the Clinton's foreign policy, the Bush's foreign policy also portrays the protection of American interests and the elimination of threats to those interests its priority.
             Moreover, the two documents, A National Foreign Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement and The National Foreign Strategy of the United States of America, convey the importance of the United States involvement in regional conflicts. From the perspectives of the Clinton's administration, "the focus of our planning for major theater conflict is on deterring and, if necessary, fighting and defeating aggression by potentially hostile regional powers- (II, page 9).

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