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The Causes of the Rise of the Divorce Rate in India


This is a practice that has been kept alive throughout many hundreds of years by the sacred traditions of India. It is seen as a respectful method for a man and a woman to get married. It is a tradition that brings much respect to the families involved. " people will respect you and your parents more if you have an arranged marriage" (Bhopal 484). Indians feel this method is a way to find a good man, sometimes within their own caste, for their daughter whom they are entrusting with this man. If someone in the Indian society does not follow this method, the person and their families are looked down upon by the whole society. People who do not want to use this method to find a mate, and choose an alternative lifestyle are seen as sexually promiscuous (486). So this is important for the individual as well as the respect of the family of the man and the woman. .
             The method that people in India have been adopting is the love marriage. The love marriage is defined as the choosing of the mate by the individual involved usually by falling in "love" with each other. There are very few cases in the older generation that would go through with a love marriage (Corwin 828). Now, most college students do not believe it is wrong to have a love marriage (828). The relative youth of the couples involved in "love-marriages" indicates that the wide spread idea that the number of inter-caste marriages is increasing has some basis in reality (827). Their parents disagree: they state that "love" alone is not enough to ensure that a couple is well-matched, and that arranged marriages lead to a happier mental life (828). Arranged marriages are considered to be proper and to provide a more solid basis for marital happiness than love alone (831). The love marriage has come into play in India due to modernization. With modernization comes the loss of tradition and culture. More young people are working, and going to college.

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