In the Franklin's introduction, he is presented as a simple man who simply enjoys life for what it is: a journey of exploration. It is in this depiction of the Franklin that Chaucer first implants in the reader's mind that the Franklin is an admirable character and a character that is to be respected not only by his fellow pilgrims, but by the reader. .
Through the Franklin, Chaucer the writer unfolds an incredible story about idealistic love. This tale is one of Chaucer's few examples of a marriage that is both functional and amorous. Many critics attribute this to the traditional role of a franklin in medieval times. However, this "traditional- role is often questioned. The Middle English Dictionary cites a franklin as "A landowner and member of the gentry ranking immediately below the nobility; a freeman, a gentleman."" In this sense, the traditional franklin would be very similar to Chaucer's Franklin, which certainly was most likely his intent in creating the character. It is because of the societal position of the traditional medieval franklin that many critics have argued that Chaucer's Franklin is a satirical character. (Chaucer's Pilgrims: An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales; 135-143.) I completely disagree with these critics. Although the medieval franklin's social position is not clear, Chaucer's Franklin is depicted as a true gentleman who exhibits only admirable traits and thus must be judged according to these. Therefore, the Franklin's depiction of love, although idealistic, should only be accepted as true.
Indeed, it is easy to accept the Franklin's depiction of Dorigen and Arviragus' marriage as idealistic, but it is in this idealism that Chaucer speaks volumes. Dorigen and Arviragus are involved in a marriage that is, to say the least, not typical for the times. The two do not have power issues in their marriage. In fact, the only conflict that arises in the said marriage is an external conflict that was the result of a promise made during a time where her husband was overseas.