Wilson's views on joblessness being a prime cause of violence in inner-city communities are made factual by his percent statistics in nineteen ninety compared to those in nineteen fifty and nineteen sixty of the Bronzeville section of Chicago (357). Wilson found that in nineteen fifty. Sixty-nine percent of males fourteen and older worked in a typical week and in nineteen sixty, sixty-four percent of the same group was employed and by nineteen ninety the rate had dropped for the same group to thirty-seven percent (358). If there is no opportunity in your neighborhoods then how can people support themselves or their families? How can they get to a job if they"re one of the lucky few to find one? Where does their funding come from? How do they survive? There are some people that would argue that neighborhoods are the number one major cause of male youth violence today and feel that it is related to family or cultural beliefs. David Popenoe, a professor of sociology at Rutgers University whose writing "Life Without Father" suggests that the a large majority of male criminals are "unattached" or didn't get a chance to bond with a male father figure in the home, causing these males to be more susceptible to crime and violence. While this may be part of the blame, it is not the core or root of the problem. The hindsight is that there is a stem for everything, a single entity that began the trend and that is the down fall of neighborhoods. This downfall caused fathers while still in the home back in earlier days to feel they had to support their families any way they could and if work and the industry didn't meet the demands of the neighborhoods populations then these fathers would have to beg, steal and borrow to meet the .
demands of their family.