This kangaroo rat is threatened by loss and degradation of its habitat, although other factors may be operating. Poor impacts to its habitat resulted from clearing for residential and urban uses, invasion of non-native plant species. In addition, kangaroo rats are considered to be of relatively minor economic importance. They have come into direct conflict with human interests, with large-scale development of sandy soil areas for farming. A primary conflict develops at planting time when kangaroo rats dig up newly planted seeds and clip off new sprouts at their base. Damage is more severe when population densities are high. Smaller populations apparently are able to subsist on waste grain and damage is not as apparent. Since kangaroo rats are primarily seed eaters, they find irrigated fields and pastures a veritable oasis and feed extensively on waste grain after harvest.
Morro Bay kangaroo rats feed on a variety of plant species. They are primarily seed eaters, but occasionally they will eat the vegetative parts of plants. At certain times of the year they may eat insects. They have a strong habit and will to gather large numbers of seeds in their cheek pouches and take them to their burrows for storage. Since these rodents do not hibernate, the seed caches are a source of food during severe winter storms or unusually hot summer weather. The Morro Bay kangaroo rat does not need to drink much water to survive. Instead, it produces most of the water it needs by metabolic breakdown of food products. It addition, it reduces water loss by way of a very efficient kidney system, and by it's nocturnal activity (which results in less water lost to evaporation.).
On October 13, 1970, the Morro Bay kangaroo rat was designated as Endangered. The Endangered Morro Bay kangaroo rat apparently has declined in numbers by more than 80% in the past 20 years because of loss, fragmentation, and degradation of habitat.