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Becket : The honor of God


            In Jean Anouilh's play, Becket, Thomas Becket is a Saxon who is the advisor to the king and the Chancellor of England. Becket is later made Archbishop of Canterbury by the king so the king will have control over the church as well. However, once he becomes Archbishop of Canterbury, Becket works on the side of the church and does not let his friendship with the king interfere with his job as Archbishop. Becket begins to love the honor of God, which is different from loving God. Loving God is the actual act of loving God, as a perfect, loving, compassionate Father. Loving the honor of God is different in that loving God's honor is loving the task of serving God wholeheartedly, of protecting God's honor. Becket loves the responsibility, blessings, and respect from his love of God's honor. In Jean Anouilh's play Becket, Thomas Becket is liberated by his love of the honor of God and realizes that his devotion to God, unlike his devotion to the worldly king, brings true fulfillment in life.
             Becket's job of advising the king seems to be materially appealing. The king describes their relationship as a "childish prank" (2). Their relationship was based a lot on pranks; it was all fun and games. The use of the word childish suggests that Becket and the king were like children. Young children are not looking for meaning or direction in life; they are just looking to have a good time. The king and Becket's relationship, like childhood, while providing the joy of growing up and the fun that comes along with it, is not providing the full grown Becket with any direction in life. The king explains to Becket about France, "The climate's warm, the girls are pretty, the wine is good" (43). To an outsider, this kind of life would seem attractive. The king and Becket's relationship is more focused on having fun than it is having substantial meaning in life. While with the king, Becket is distracted by the luxury and is unfocused on having true meaning in life.

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