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Study skills


             Study skills and habits? What are they exactly? Well for the past year in college I sure have been trying to figure that out. With limited success I might add. Threw trial an error I have discovered these following skills that I have and some that I lack. So come with me on my past year I college.
             Lets start out with the skills that I believe I either have acquired in the past year or already had before I came to college. First, is my ability to memorize a list of basically anything, such as prefixes, formulas, and numbers. Next I would have to say that my leadership ability or skills are the other thing I do rather well. Over the past year I have tried to lead in class as much as possible.
             Now on to the much bigger an more troublesome list, things that I need to work on. Where to start? Well let's start with organization; this is a major problem for me. I find myself always coming to class an finding out that I have an assignment or test next. I am trying to work on this by using my planner more and more this year. Next is time management. I am very easily distracted, so if my buddies come over an say "Chris lets go out an party or eat" I normal just get up an go even though I know I need to do my homework. I am now with a new group of friends that understand I need to get work done an try to leave me alone at least for a couple of hours after school to get my work done.
             This is what I believe is my skills and problems with study skills. Leadership along with memorization are my strong point. Also I have trouble with organization, time management, and sleeping enough. But, I am trying to work on these problems.

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