" (Stone N/A) In such cases physicians results need accuracy to properly diagnosis the problem other wise the issue escalates endangering a life. Consumers as well as the government possess the right to punish the practitioner who solely obeys the false guidance of insurance companies seeking to scam the ill. The manipulation and deception of insurance companies leads an average American to believe they"re protected genuinely. .
Every year insurance companies often fail in authorizing medical procedures due to lack of medical knowledge. For example, in the case O"Hayer vs. Aetna "Mr. O"Hayer had to wait thirty three months until he was authorized to get surgery to cure scleradermia but he died three days before they authorized him," Due to the incompetence of the insurance company Mr. Bill O"Hayer's case had ended unnecessary. In any case similar to Mr. Bill O"Hayer this irrational situation has no excuse when pondering ones life for thirty-three months. Furthermore, in the case Jones vs. HMO, " the insurance refused to Ms. Jones and endoscopic retrograde cholangio gram, if it were not for the doctor who personally called the insurance company, and held the operator responsible for Ms. Jones life the she would have died." (Herbster N/A) Ms. Jones became lucky, astonishingly most physicians will not go out of their way to save a patients life. .
Amazingly insurance companies do not take a persons life as their own. In addition, in Aetna settlement with the doctors Federal Judge Moreno gave physicians one hundred million dollars and Aetna also agreed to pay twenty million dollars to create a foundation to address health care problems and fifty million in legal costs Aetna and other health insurers were accused of intentionally denying claims or delaying payments to physicians.