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The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay


             5. The part of the book that I liked best was the whole part with the Duke and the King. The brought humor in the book, with their tricks. The best trick was when the Duke went to some sort of Christian preaching day and he told everyone he was a pirate, but he now he turned to the Christian faith and the he wanted to make more pirates Christian. The people that were there, gave him a lot of money so he could go to the Pacific again and hopefully turn pirates into good civilized Christians. The King and the Duke were really good frauds and brought humor into the book, so I liked them and the part in the book in which they played best.
             6. I didn't like the introduction, because it took way to long and was very boring. Before Huck and Jim really start their journey, you already have read approximately 100 pages. I would make the introduction at least half as big as Twain did, leave away the Tom Sawyers gang and large parts of Ms. Watson and Huck. It takes way to long before any exiting situations happen and I like books were the action immediately starts.
             7. Maybe a strange choice, but I would want to be Jim for one day. I don't know if I would like to be Jim, but I want to know how life was for a nigger in those days. You hear many things about racism and discrimination, but I would like to know how a nigger experienced those things. You don't know much about niggers from back 1830, because most couldn't write and just were servants or slaves. White people had there own idea about colored people back then, but no one really knows how it was for a nigger. Did they thought they were less than white people or did they dislike white people, I would like to find that out when I"m Jim for one day.
             8. Yes, I think Huckleberry changed throughout the book. He changed his opinion about niggers. because he got to know Jim. In the beginning of the book he was like any redneck in those days, just thinking he was above black people and black people were good as slaves and servants, but nothing more.

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