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Other symptoms may include the following: pain in the abdomen, long bones, fever, and shortness of breath as a result from flying at high altitudes, mountain climbing, or vigorous exercise. In children, it can cause them to have a smaller torso than the normal, and longer arms, legs, and toes as a result. In the elderly sores on the surface of the skin is more common as a result from poor circulation through out the body. They may have strokes, lung and kidney problems. In addition young men may experience a painful erection. (http://www.wooster.k12.oh.us/highschool/sciencedept/reports10/sickle_cell_anemia, http://kidshealth.org/teen/health_problems/diseases/sickle_cell_anemia_p3.html ).
             There is now a method that is used to most of the states in the United States and most hospitals in the states. It's a simple blood test that can detect if the newborn has picked up the gene from either parent and gotten the disease. It may also detect other forms of Sickle Cell Anemia like Hemoglobin C trait, Hemoglobin E trait, or Hemoglobin Barts-which indicates an alpha thalassemia trait. The gene that carries Sickle Cell Anemia can be on the X or Y chromosome as in males and either on of the X Chromosomes in females. A newborn whose parent is just a carrier is not necessarily set to get the disease. A person can only receive the disease by inheriting it, it can not be caught like a flu or cold can be but it is a genetic defect from Africa. .
             Although it is not a good disease to have and is very difficult to have there are plenty of ways of staying healthy while you have the disease such as: taking a vitamin folic acid, folic acid can greatly increase the number of red blood cells in your body which are lost from having Sickle Cell Anemia. Daily Penicillin until the age of six years old, taking penicillin can prevent serious infection. Drinking plenty of water eight to ten cups of water for an adult. Avoiding too hot or too cold weather conditions, so it would be best to live in an environment closer to the equator.

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