Social classes have been around for eons. Since before the caste system in India, and most likely till the end of culture, there has always been social classing. This idea comes mostly from the upper classes wanting to distinguish themselves, mostly by separating themselves, from those who are not of their social standing. When someone manages to climb the social ladder and become one of the distinguished, it makes for a good story. The little man making it big is a classic theme, and is a strong pillar in the American dream that anyone can make it in life. Dexter's accent into socialite status resembles another story with the same theme. A story that is one of the oldest recorded, and most recognizable stories ever told, Cinderella. Stories that have a sense of familiarity make the reader comfortable and interested. It also makes the story versatile, in the sense that no matter where they"re from, it something people can relate to. A lot of older stories contain the same themes as Winter Dreams. Another such story is Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" .
Sacrifice in the name of love is a very ancient subject. Some see it in the story of the bible as God's giving his only begotten son for the sake of man. For others it's the sad tale of star-crossed lovers in fair Verona. Either way, it has occurred over and over. In Winter Dreams however, this sacrifice seems to be a little one-sided. "He loved her, and he would love her until the day he was too old for loving- but he could not have her." This is how the author puts Dexter's sad fate. Even through years of pain because of Judy, Dexter gave up a part of himself for even the chance to be with her. Sacrifice, especially for something like love, is a theme present in a lot of places. Many polytheistic societies have tales of gods giving up immortality for their mortal lovers. It's ever present in the sordid affairs of the Greek and Roman myths.