~ Because the press links directly with a computer which holds the design, it is possible to merge data files with the design file to allow individual personalisation or to target batches of leaflets to different markets. There is no limitation to the number or size of "variable" data areas and they can contain text or visuals.
~ Costs are based on an initial set-up cost which is a fraction of the equivalent costs for conventional printing, plus a price per duplex page. Consequently, with digital printing short runs become feasibly economic as the unit cost of items works out the same whether you have 5 or 500. A cost analysis carried out by one company has shown that for single A4 duplex sheets digital printing is more economic for quantities up to 2,000. For multi-page documents runs of between four and 500 are better planned for digital.
~ You can print what you need when you need it. This avoids waste and the hidden cost of this and makes stock management more flexible. It also means that you can make updates before each run.
Some of the Issues.
~ Digital printing is not suited to large runs (ie over 5,000 - typical runs are between 50 and 500) or large documents (because of the sheet size and speed).
~ The quality does not quite live up to the highest quality litho printing but is considerably better than colour photocopying and laser printing and, for the majority of uses, is adequate for the purpose.
~ Some design considerations must be taken into account:.
avoid large areas of dark solid colours - choose a lighter colour or a background pattern instead; avoid placing areas of dark colour across fold lines as without proper scoring the toner can crack when the paper is folded. .
~ Most digital presses are limited to colours that can be created from the four-colour process - thus special pantone colours cannot be reproduced exactly.
~ Digital presses can print on a variety of substrates such as adhesive stock or plastic film but specific sizes, coatings and materials available depend on the type of press.