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Criminal Justice-The Court System


Judges can take on three roles in the system. They can be negotiators, administrators, and adjudicators. As you can see, the judges have the most important role, and it is up to them to do their job to the fullest. .
             3) Explain the difference between an adversarial system and inquisitive system of justice: In the adversarial system, it is the basis for the American legal system, and lawyers serve for one party in a case. A passive judge and jury listen to both the defense and prosecution before coming up with a decision. The inquisitional system is a basis for legal systems in Europe. In this system, a judge is put through a training program to become a professional judge. These judges must serve as assistant judges in lower courts before they can become judges in a general trial and appellate courts. In this system the judges take an active role in investigating the case and asking questions of witnesses in court.
             4) Explain the role/functions of the prosecutor in the criminal justice system: Prosecutors are responsible for pressing charges of criminals while upholding the law and the rights of the accused. Their primary duty in public prosecution is to make sure justice is upheld, even in a person is not convicted. The main goal is to uphold justice and get a conviction, outside factors like politics and personal beliefs may define their role as a prosecutor differently. A prosecutor's decision affects others and their ability to do their duties and achieve their goals. They have four general roles. They are elected officials, where they are most responsive to public opinion. They can act as a representative in the courts. They also have a role of trial counsel for the police. Last is the house counsel for the police. Their function is to give legal advice so arrests stand in court.
             5) Describe the use of discretion by prosecutors: Prosecutors have a very big range of discretion.

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