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Modern Warfare


             Passages of writing have meaning and literary elements used in them. The poem "Dulce et Decorum Est," by Wilfred Owen and the excerpt from the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O"Brian both show ways they were impacted. These passages reveal how the soldiers were affected by modern warfare. There were physical and psychological damage done to the soldiers. The authors convey the soldiers" experiences through the harsh reality of war.
             In the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est," Owen discusses the cruel conditions soldiers endured during World War I. Owen states, "All went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue- This creates a mood of depression and hopelessness. He does this by describing how the soldiers were tired and exhausted. The soldiers also felt weary from fighting. Suddenly, the mood changes on line nine. The mood now is thrown into chaos. Instead of the poem being emotionless and dreary, it turned into a poem with a lot of expressions and ambiance. The reader gets the impression that the title "Dulce et Decorum Est," meant to be ironic. At the end of the poem, Owen says, "The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori." Translated, this phrase means, "How sweet and fitting it is to die for one's country." In reality, dieing for one's country can never be sweet because the result is death. This poem is connected to modern warfare by stating the realities the soldiers went through. These realities are still similar to soldiers still fighting now-a-days. Owen uses many literary devices, including mood and irony, to prove that soldiers, in times of war, face many challenges. .
             In the excerpt from the novel, The Things They Carried, O"Brian describes the .
             items, diseases, and burdens that the soldiers carried with them in the Vietnam War. O"Brian uses figurative language when he says, "They carried the sky carried gravity." .
             He doesn't literally mean that the soldiers were carrying the sky, or that they were carrying gravity.

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