In the case of Dr. Pink he is exposed to stress management which he believe will not help him at all, Dillion's mother is tired of watching her son take medication while he still suffered from migraines, so she take him to a doctor who tells her of a new Bio-therapy, and the lady recovering from cancer has decide to attend a survivors therapy group, to help cope with their illness although this information contradicts their beliefs they are willing to try something new. Discovering that they were not alone in their feelings was brought out through the importance of feedback. The lady who is recovering from breast cancer finds out through her survivors group that she is not alone in her feelings, Dr. Pink discovers through his stress management group how to discuss stressful situations and what he can and cannot control, and lastly Dillion has discovered what triggers his migraines and that through relaxation he can control them. Without feedback their performance would have been emotionally unimportant and uninvolving. .
Secondly, chapter eight relates to Stress Health and Well Being through expectancies, personality, behavior and social comparison information. This chapter relates to Dr. Pink and the lady recovering from breast caner. Dr. Pink was a perfectionist; he held a high expectancy of himself, his colleagues, his students, and his family. He felt that if things were not done his way they were not being done properly. This attitude held by Dr. Pink led him to believe that only he could successfully execute a course of action. Dr. Pink's personality also worked against him. His need to have everything done to his liking made him a high-need achiever with an overly optimistic outcome expectation. The lady recovering from breast cancer behavior toward her illness was that of assertive and active which saved her life. Upon discovering that she had a lump in her breast she was apprehensive about going to see a doctor because she had already had a mammogram for the year and her insurance would not cover another one.