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East Timor Genocide


This is where globalization plays an important role. Indonesia, as a part of the World Trade Organization is completely involved in globalization. This organization functions on capitalistic ideals. Globalization's purpose in a capitalistic society like for example, America, allows a country to receive goods with minimal taxing so that it may institute trade where it is cheaper. Therefore this allows richer countries to trade with the poorer countries, in which goods can be purchased cheaply due to lower wages and unapparent human rights, to in turn help build up one poor countries economy. Call it exploitation, call it economic development, call it what you will, but it still played an important role in the East Timor genocide. The fact of the matter is the United States (and other western societies) had strong trading relationships with Indonesia. High class capitalist businesses such as Nike, Adidas and Reebok have several establishments in Indonesia, these companies play an important factor in American and Western Societies economy. This all started with the rule of Suharto, once he came into power the United States started a very exclusive foreign policy with their Indonesian Allies, which resulted in the US investing more money into Indonesia then any other Southeast Asian country at that time. Part of this was actual arms trade, in fact it has been estimated by the State Department that US based companies provided Indonesia with 90% of the arms used in the invasion of East Timor . This is the epitome of American capitalistic greed. It is said that the economic potential in Indonesia (extremely low minimum wages and extensive natural resources) is so important that a country would rather support Indonesia and their actions in East Timor then lose them as a trading partner . It is important to know that Canada has played an equally repugnant part in aid and trade. Canada repeatedly gave $40-70 million each year to Indonesia.

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