Country of Residence New Zealand .
1990 382 400.
1991 441 500.
1992 412 300.
1993 463 400.
1994 439 100.
1995 490 700.
1996 609 600.
1997 621 100.
1998 640 500.
1999 660 800.
This shows we have a desirable counrty fro them to come too, this is for many reasons but one of them is it is so close and easy for them so acess. There are so many things to do and see its no wonder so many tourist come to Australia.
Link/Comparison Number 2:.
Political Relations.
Australia and New Zealand have been closely linked since the early colonial periods of both countries. These links have historically been so close there was even the possibility late last century of New Zealand joining the Australian colonies in a new federation.
At a government to government level, the relationship that Australia has with New Zealand is better developed and more extensive than with any other country. .
The Prime Ministers of the two countries meet annually and consult frequently. For a number of years the Foreign Ministers of Australia and New Zealand have met twice yearly to discuss the overall relationship and foreign policy co-operation. The Trade and Defence Ministers meet their counterparts annually. .
New Zealand Ministers and their senior officials participate, with their Australian Federal and State counterparts, in many of the Ministerial council meetings which span the Australian domestic policy agendas. In many of these meetings New Zealand attends as a full member, in others as an observer. There is constant exchange of officials between the two governments. The Foreign Affairs and Trade ministries of the two countries exchange officers every year, as do the Defence departments. Information and assessments are regularly exchanged between the two governments.
Today there are many areas where people from both countries, including those at the state level in Australia, participate in "Australasian" meetings and conferences.