are eager to join the European Union but Russia is opposing that move because of.
their xenophobic fears. This poses an new question for the world; Are the.
satellite countries of the former Soviet Union truly sovereign states or are.
they still puppet states controlled by Russia? The view today has to different.
sides: the European, who are willing to accept Warsaw Pact states into NATO and.
the E.U. given they meet the requirements; And the U.S. policy which is against.
any expansion of NATO or the E.U. into the countries in question.
E.U. members listed in order of membership:.
1. Belgium.
2. Germany.
3. France.
4. Italy.
5. Luxembourg.
6. Netherlands.
7. Denmark.
8. Republic of Ireland.
9. United Kingdom.
10. Greece.
11. Portugal.
12. Spain.
13. Austria.
14. Finland.
15. Sweden.
The E.U. Government Structure.
The European Unions main institutions are the European Parliament, the.
European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the Council of Ministers and.
the Court of Auditors. The Council and the European Parliament are the main.
decision-taking bodies of the E.U. The 626 members of the European Parliament.
are elected by EU citizens every five years. The president and the other 19.
Members of the European Commission, which has the sole right to initiate draft.
legislation, are nominated their individual governments.
History, How and Why.
The creation of the European Union began after World War II (it was.
first called the European Community). The founding members of the Community.
first combined their big industries. They then set about creating a single.
market in which goods, services, people and capital could move about as freely.
as within a single country. The process was gradual spanning 40 years and.
covering political and social as well as economic and trade aspects of nations.
As they completed the single market, which formally came into being in January,.