Puritanis was the best kind of religion he could think of because puritanism called for self control and a life devouted to seeking salvation thorough praying and leading a humble life. For example, he was against theaters for the reason that they were just silly distractions encouraging people to become impure and idle. For milton it was the order of god that england might be ruled by puritan government. When we read milton's political thoughts, we will see a man who is rather angry with royalists and with the popesy. He speculates that the king and the supporters of the anglican church are doomed to burn in the flames of hell because they are responsible for the current state of confusion into which england has been thrown. Milton had such high expectations of cromwell's regime that he was highly upset and disappointed when cromwell did not do the things which he had promised. Even if it had been the case, restoration of a king to the throne was the worst thing which could happen. All his life milton had supported the ideals of a puritanical government. On the other hand as an oppositon we can presnt samuel butler who was an important anti-puritan writer. He was complete royalist in all ways. Ã"t is said that hudibras was the favorite poem of charles II. The reason why butler was so favored by the king was that his poem was in accordance with the ways of the restoration period. The time of restoration was a period of delight, glamor and happiness. Ã"t rejected the religious, political and economical values of the puritan period. By criticising all sorts of puritanical values and showing them as inferior and foolish in quality, he took his place among the king's favored writers. .
After the commonwealth collapsed and the kingdom was restored, puritans like milton were left in a difficult situation. Milton himself had supported the excution of charles I. and he was widely known for his merciless and harsh accusations against the royalists.