The responsibility for these collapse in America statesmanship, for which a harsh period came into America, part of this blame must fall upon ex-Confederates who refused to recognize that the war was over, part upon freedmen, who confused liberty with license and the ballot box with the lunch pail; part upon the northern antislavery extremists who identified patriotism with loyalty to the Republican party; part upon the land speculators, treasury grafters, and railroad promoters who were unwilling to have a genuine peace lest it end their looting of the public till. Donald sees Andrew Johnson as a man with no aptitude to have control of the U.S., someone with no arts on how to manage men, and as a great weakness, his insensitivity to public opinion, an important element for a president. Johnson's role as President failed, not liked by congressman, he was impeached by the only reason that he wanted to oust the secretary Edwin M. Stanton, under and unconstitutional action since congress had passed the Tenure of Office Act, which prevented the President to do so without consent of the congressman, and as always this law was passed under the same President's veto. With this charge Johnson's career as President was over, but on his behalf, by one vote he was not impeached, but as Donald sees it, President Andrew Johnson must have been impeached for a greater charge- that through political ineptitude he threw away a magnificent opportunity.
Section II -.
John F. Kennedy views the impeachment of Andrew Johnson as one in which government had to be strict and follow every law do in the constitution. Kennedy in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson recognizes a man which gave up all his political career and personal life to the one man, which many of the senators opposed and wanted the removal of, Andrew Johnson; this heroic man, as Kennedy mentions, the one who saved the President, Edmund G.