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Her experience concentrates on the bad things that the white people in her school, did to her and her friends. None of what she depicts about the boarding school is in a positive outlook. In fact the only positive outlook seems to be when she quit school. She talks about as she grows up how she grew from an innocent kitten not knowing anything about racism and not being able to deal with it, into a cat with claws to fight back (Lakota Woman, Pg 35). .
             Their were no similarities in each of the text. They both talk about themselves but every autobiography does that. Their perspectives of the autobiography both differ in what they are trying to get out. Benjamin Franklin focused more on himself. How he was a superior learner and eventually led himself into perfection following the rules he created. Lakota Woman focuses more on Native Americans plight as a whole. It talks about how they were treated throughout their lives and doesn't seem to focus as much on her life but more on the agony Native Americans have gone through their whole lives as a people. This only continues to show how both texts vary in perspective of their lives.
             Benjamin Franklin's autobiography differs from Lakota Woman because of the audiences they are trying to attract. Benjamin is trying to attract readers who are looking to achieve personal success. People who are not rich and would like to become wealthy. He believes that in reading about his life, others will be able to follow in his footsteps and gain whatever they want. "Having emerg"d from the Poverty & Obscurity in which I was born & bred, to a State of Affluence & some Degree of Reputation in the World, and having gone so far thro" Life with a considerable Share of Felicity, the conducing Means I made use of, which with the Blessing of God, so well succeeded, my Posterity may like to know, as they may find some of them suitable to their own Situations, & therefore fit to be imitated(Benjamin Franklin, pg 27).

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