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People and organisational management in the built environmen


The size of these factories resulted in owners handing responsibility of the day-to-day running over to managers. This relatively new discipline called management was a direct result of the developments during the industrial revolution.
             The two most influential people of the time and who still have an impact on management thought up to today are F.W Taylor and Henri Fayol, they were the founders of what we now know as Scientific Management.
             Firstly to Taylor, he was one of the early practical management-theorists, he had the ability to organise the work of others and promote them effectively so that industrial managers would take them on as a new and improved way to increase performance.
             Taylor is famous for holding a stopwatch on a group of shovellers in a steel factory. It was Taylors idea that scientific management was the solution that would solve the labour problem.
             (Taylor, 1911) He decided to make "a determined effort to in some way change the system of management, so that, the interests of the workmen and the management should become the same, instead of antagonistic". This statement is the principle idea of today, subordinates must have the same goals and ideas as the organisation in order to reach the established goals set by the organisation and its management. .
             By the late 1800's Talor had conducted many experiments and turned the simple task of cutting metal into a science. He also experimented with the design of the shovel, with this he was able to increase the amount of coal shovelled and remarkable decrease the number of shovellers. His work on these experiments contributed greatly to the analysis of work design and was named the method study.
             He also developed a piece rate system on production management in shop management.
             The four objectives of management developed by Taylor under scientific management were as follows:.
              The development of a science for each element of a man's work to replace the old rule-of thumb methods.

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