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Pg 699-710) .
             Social environment plays a large role in the development of alcoholism, especially among teenagers and children. (Levin, Sean. Fragile Dominion: Complexity and the Commons. U.S.A, Helix Books, 1999.) Children, for instance, are now placed in an environment where alcohol is the norm and frequent experimentation leads to addiction for many. Billboards, commercials and liquor stores in residential neighbourhoods are just a few of the modes in which children are exposed to alcohol everyday.(www.potsdam.edu). By being so exposed to the glamour and advantages of alcohol and drinking, children become desensitized to the negative aspects of drinking, and choose, to rather, focus on the positive, which are portrayed through the advertisements. .
             Underage teenagers in Minnesota admitted to having easy access to alcohol, either through friends, family members or co-workers. Today's society gives children the impression that alcohol is "cool" and gives them too many opportunities to become addicted to substances, like alcohol. This, in combination with the easy access that youth get to alcohol is leading to an increase in tolerance to the drug. As a result, gradually, more and more alcohol is needed to get one drunk. These children that begin drinking at a young age are more likely to feel they need to drink more to get drunk, as a result of their experience. (Johnson, J.; Rolf, J.E.Journal of Addictions.New York: 1988.) .
             When dealing with the social environment surrounding adults, the same situations are present. Bars, clubs and gatherings have liquor and can lead to temptation for many. It doesn't take long for an addiction to occur and with the contsant reminders of alcohol in such surroundings, the tie between environment and alcoholism is obvious. (www.alcoholism.about.com) .
             The correlation between heredity and alcoholism has been looked at in a number of studies. It had been proven, through strong correlation, that half of all alcoholics have alcoholic parents.

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