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            Coaching: Certain techniques are necessary for good coaching.
             "What the hell are you doing?" the young coach yelled.
             " How could you not see the man right behind you?" he asked.
             "Either you are going to be an asset or a liability to the team, you have to choose.".
             How many young athletes have heard this countless time after time, verbal and public criticizing that does nothing but ruin spirit. Across the nation, in every sport coaches are the determining factors on any team. They decide who plays and why. In order for it to be successful, coaching should help people set and understand personal goals. To do this, certain techniques are necessary.
             Although there is really no right or best way to coach, one excellent coaching technique is listening. Coaching is often times in the form of a lecture, and sometimes coaches get caught up in trying to get their point across. This is definitely part of coaching but perhaps just as important as that is listening (2). Input from your athletes is like gold. If you can understand them it is more valuable than all of the talent in the world. Also a coach needs to recognize when an athlete has honorable intent behind his words (2). If someone has strong passion behind his or her frustration, recognize it and praise the effort. .
             Another good coaching technique is communication. When coaching young athletes it is important that you communicate high expectations for them as well as the team. By doing this you will show faith in their ability to perform well. Coaching should be an active discussion (1). You should end each practice by asking the athletes to list two or three things they have learned (1). This will reinforce learning and show that you are willing to communicate with them (1). .
             Lastly, visualization is an awesome technique in coaching. You have often heard that visualization is the key. That may hold more truth than you know. Effective mental training is sometimes just as useful as physical training.

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