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Wonderland Revisited


             You need nothing more than a single story or article to make a fairy-tale heroine into a pitiful little girl, a slave of her creator`s fantasies. A brilliant classic that used to bring a smile upon your face, loses half of its enchantment, turning rather into a guide of a drug-addict's mind and visions. Every second sentence seems to reveal a bit of mental agony of a man trapped into his own desires, or, vice versa, admiration and delight of the beauty of the new world discovered. In one way or the other, the Wonderland is no longer a Wonderland. .
             To me, Alice looks like any other of Dodgson's "girlfriends- - drugged, confused, on one hand hunted by remorse, on other, nevertheless, stunned by the charm of Wonderland, led by the tempers of her new "master-. In this world anything was possible and nothing forbidden. One piece of a single mushroom could make you grow taller than trees or shrink smaller than a mouse, animals could talk, packs of cards could walk and smiles just hung in the air. ("When Alice thought about it later, she realized that she should have been surprised, but back then, it seemed completely natural-). In a world like this she could be bigger than anyone and her own boss- no wonder she did not dream about leaving. Dodgson offered, or at least he seemed to think he offered children a better world than their parents did, and despite of more than one concerned and irritated mother who forbid their children to visit him, Dodgson did not seem to lack "girlfriends-. ("They can just look down here and say: -Come back up, dear child!-. I will look back at them and say: "But who am I? Answer me, and if I like to be that person, I will come up, if no, I will stay down here until I become someone else-). After all, it is easy to manipulate people, especially children.
             However, even Alice was not completely happy in Wonderland. Sometimes she wished to go home, sometimes she was angry at herself, and sometimes she felt lonely.

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