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Affirmative action


The court upheld their decision to let the University practice affirmative action.
             Recently, Bush had made a "One Florida Plan" that would replace race and gender preferences with a system of outreach in admission and hiring, and state contracting. It determines who gets into undergraduate school and includes medical and law schools. Law schools are very dependent on affirmative action and will suffer with the new plan. It guarantees state university admission to the top 20 percent of high school graduating class. A similar plan had been enacted in Texas and California. The results were horrendous because many of the minority groups fell to staggering new lows. At the University of Berkley, only one new student enrolled out of the 268 new students (Powers). .
             Another component of affirmative action is the denial of advanced placement exams in high school. Advanced Placement exams let motivated students perform at an above honors level and allow them to earn college credits. The California's Constitution identifies public education as a fundamental right; therefore the State is obligated to correct this in the school system. The denial of classes predominantly in black or Latino districts. Beverly Hills High school, 76 percent white, offers 45 AP classes where as Arvin High School, 93 percent black or Latino, offered only two (In Class Action Lawsuit). Prestigious schools can't compare the GPAs effectively if one student takes AP courses and if one doesn't because they are on two different scales. This is nowhere near fair for the attendants at schools who do not even offer them and it only contributes to the growing problem of lack of opportunity. In addition to affirmative action strides, education at the state level must be fixed to let minorities flourish early on.
             Affirmative action is not used to further conflict race relations. By favoring other races, it does not pose a threat to establishing more dominant racism.

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