The tape outlines what the pastor believes has occurred. He further describes the "Rapture" as the beginning of a seven-year period of trial and tribulation. Each year gets progressively worse and it will become harder and harder to survive. If we die we will be in heaven with Christ and our loved ones, but we may suffer horrible deaths. If we survive the seven years, especially the last half the "glorious appearing", when Christ comes back to set-up his 1,000 year reign on earth (The Millennium) will be all that more glorious. .
Meanwhile Cameron "Buck" Williams, a bright young reporter for Global Weekly a passenger aboard Rayford's flight the day of the disappearances is struggling with demons of his own. Although the two men had yet to meet, their lives are about to become intertwined and changed forever. Buck Williams has survived many close calls during his career but somehow he always seems to emerge victorious. His daring style made him the envy of the other reporters at the Global Weekly. Through a mutual acquaintance the two have a chance meeting. Buck immediately recognizes that Rayford was the pilot on his flight the ill-fated day the disappearances occurred and is eager to interview him for a story he is writing. By this point Rayford is becoming more secure with the idea that the disappearances were an act of God. He now feels that it is his duty to share this information with others, to try and reach the public. He attempts to link Bible prophecy to what is happening. This theory seems far-fetched, but it is the only one that ties the incidents so closely to any sort of explanation. Buck who started the interview merely as a fact-finding mission; is close to buying into Rayford's theory. To his own surprise Buck was moved by Rayford's statement and decided to seek out the New Hope Village Church on his own. This way he could pursue this for himself and not confuse the professional angle with his own interest.