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Uniforms in Public Schools


"The way in which students dress has an impact on such things as school climate and safety, academic success, and behavior" ("A New Dress Code" 2). One often thinks that seeing a baby's bottom when she is dressed up in her "Sunday" outfit is cute, but it becomes an issue when that same little girl is older. It almost seems as if clothing is no longer made to fully cover a person's body. Though this fashion may go well in Hollywood, it is unacceptable for the school environment. "In the U.S., children have a right to a free, appropriate public education" ("A New Dress Code" 1). It is not anything .
             close to an appropriate education, however, when a student cannot concentrate on his school work because the person sitting next to him is not dressed according to school policy. The only way to guarantee full student safety is to adopt any possible measures to create a substantial change in student behavior. "The number of public schools adopting uniforms and strong dress codes are growing annually" (Lumsden 2). If the world is so worried about the safety and reputation of its students, then mandatory school uniforms are the only option left. School uniforms play a profound role on society, education, and the alleviation of anger and instability.
             Some controversies regarding school uniforms are that, virtually every uniform .
             policy in the county applies only to elementary and/or middle school students, not to high school students, despite the fact that uniforms are portrayed as a way to curb teen violence. (Lumsden 3) Instill students with discipline at an early age, allows them to learn the correct manner in which to act. As one gets older, he matures and learns right from wrong. If students are not taught that, however, the wrong way often seems the right way to them. Gail Mancini states, "Middle school is a time to explore" (1). At a certain age kids start feelings as if they do not fit it.

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