All of these programs can be considered to be unacceptable by certain people, but all of them should remain so people can choose their own entertainment. Nobody should be forced to watch and like a certain show because then it isn't entertainment anymore. If they continue to censor and filter out shows that are controversial, programs such as Touched By An Angel and Roots would be banned and this would discourage companies from producing any more controversial and informational programs. Other educational programs such as National Geographic who film and document many nude tribes are inappropriate to some people, yet they are not banned, so why should any program be banned. Organizations should not be allowed to choose what is appropriate for people, it should be left up to the individual. The v-chip that is currently being installed in most new television sets to censor young people from violence and sex, while this is a good idea, it might hinder young people from enjoying and experiencing programming than would benefit them. Movies such as Saving Private Ryan, which would be banned by the v-chip program, accurately depict the horrors of war. Television helps children more able to deal with the real world; the choice should be left up to the parents, not the government.
If censorship continues on television, soon, people will have no choice what to watch on television. It will be left up to the government as to what is suitable to watch. People would be having their privacy rights infringed upon, no one wants someone telling them what to watch, they should have the choice to watch what they or their children watch in their own time. I know I don't want my child to live a sheltered life, unaware of the past and the real world, unprepared for life. Certain television programs help children learn real world lessons, if these programs are censored, children might be unprepared for some lessons they may face in the real world.