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A Devoted Son: Marxist Criticism


            In society, an individual's life is often not only controlled and dictated by them self, but frequently is shifted into another person's jurisdiction. This power of ones own being is not usually given up willingly; instead it is usually forced onto another party when that individual is unable to tend to their own needs. As was the case in the short story "A Devoted Son" by Anita Desai, a main character Mubarak Varma-ji follows this natural societal occurrence. As viewed in a Marxist prospective, as Mubarak progresses throughout the story a power struggle with is own life emerges, which leaves his son in command, and than ultimately God's. .
             In the beginning, Mubarak was a strong middle age man in which was very much respected and looked up to by his son. This relationship though was much more than love and respect, Varma-Ji had significant power over his son, this was evident when he recalled a situation upon the return of his son from America "Yes, and do you know the first thing he did when he saw the results this morning? He came and touched my feet. He bowed down and touched my feet." (Viewpoint, 76) This is a sign of higher authority and thus proves that Rakesh understood that his father was much more of an accomplished man and required more praise. In a sense this was very similar to the kissing of the hands of Don Vito Corleone in the movie The Godfather. When an individual would come and place their lips on his hand, it would be a result of fear and the aspiration not to disappoint a person that is more powerful. Mubarak directed his own life, and held a great authority over his son, a boundary Rakesh did not dare cross, but acknowledged and demonstrated when he bowed down to his father. Subsequently, this dominance would eventually come to its own demise and another individual begins the journey of control over Mubarak's life.
             As age consumes Varma-ji, his influence to dictate his own life diminishes, this evidently leaves him bed written and unable to tend to his own needs.

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