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Power and Prestige by Gerhard Lenski


11). "The existence of inequality and conflict over scarce resources is what makes social stratification necessary. Once a social stratification system is established, there is no conflict over shared resources and the questions of who gets what, and why, have been answered" (Kerbo, 2003, p.76). .
             In the American class system divisions are based upon three main criteria: a person's position in the occupational structure, a person's position in the authority structure, and a person's ownership of property. A class breakdown provides recognition that United States is a bureaucratized industrial society as well as a capitalistic industrial society. This means that people are ranked by authority as well as by occupational and economic standing (Kerbo, 2003, p.13).
             The upper class consists of those families who have substantial property ownership, which in turn stems high authority. These are the old established families with significant ownership in major corporations who tend to marry and socialize within their own group. The corporate class designates those with high authority and power in major corporations. They occupy positions of power in the boardrooms of American corporations and businesses and tend to be actively involved either directly or indirectly in politics. The children of these two classes attend private and elite schools and it is in these settings they learn how to govern, how to run large economic enterprises and how to represent the interests of their class in the board and governing rooms of America.
             The upper middle class consists of those with little property ownership but high to middle positions in occupations and authority. In general, this class carries out the mandates of the upper class and supports them in a variety of ways - educating their children, for example.
             The middle class contains the lower middle management type people. Their education is usually attained from a state college or university.

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