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George Washington: The Definition of a Leader


He had such a desire to fight and to conquer the British, and it was evident in his inspiring speeches before each battle, especially at the Battle of Trenton. Cornwallis" surrender at Yorktown was a perfect example of Washington's military strategizing. With the help of Admiral De Grasse, Washington planned a bold land-sea operation to trap the British in the bay. He was able to defeat the British at Yorktown and not only end the entire war, but also did it without having his army lift any weapons. Washington helped convince soldiers to stay in the army by offering money and many agreed to his terms. He rallied his men to fight for the cause on every occasion with his yearns for victory and his great expressions of valor. .
             Second of all, Washington was a constitutional leader because of his respect for Congress and his determination to live by the Constitution. One significant factor of Washington's constitutional leadership was his involvement in establishing the Constitution. When the Constitution was ratified, it was in part because Washington had stood by it and was foreseen as the first president under it (4). Washington helped decide what laws were made in the Constitution and made sure that the laws in the Constitution were carried out. Many of the decisions he made for his country were based on the Constitution. For instance, Washington refused to be pronounced "king" of the United States and made clear his respect for Congress. Washington wanted what was best for his people and he tried to involve them in the government by establishing a democracy. He did not want to promote himself above his people, which is why he did not advocate the Society of Cincinnati (7). He was dedicated to establishing such a different government because he did not want the United States to be similar to the British government, the government they fought so hard to escape from. Instead of keeping all the power for himself, he knew it would be better to share it.

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