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This proved to the public that there are still very racist people in the world. After O.J. Simpson was found not guilty a Black American said it was just payback for the Rodney King incident. After King was beaten there were many riots in L.A. .
             1993- The great military leader Colin Powell retires from the government service. .
             1994- Lorena Bobbit whom was wife to Wayne Bobbit was a victim of domestic violence. One day while Wayne Bobbit was sleeping; his wife came into his room with an 8 inch carving knife, and severed his penis. She then drove away and threw it out the window, it was later found and surgically reattached. (Ouch).
             1995- Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated; Rabin was an Israeli Prime Minister who promised his people an end to religious and ethnic bloodshed. After he died, the Mideast still continued fighting, despite his death.
             1996- Theodore Kaczynski is arrested. He is known as being the Unabomber.
             1997- Princess Diana dies in a car crash. This incident is still a top story in news today. Princess Diana's death shocked the entire world. She was married to Prince Charles and her cause of death was a car crash caused by an attempt to get away from the paparazzi.
             1998- President Clinton is the second American president to be charged with impeachment offenses. The reasons of this happening revolved mainly around the fact that he lied under oath. This all took place during the same time as the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
             1999- JFK Jr. is killed in a plane crash. This incident was very controversial because people were constantly bringing up different ways of avoiding what happened. .
             Some important events that took place would be:.
             1990- Iraq invades Kuwait, which lead the Gulf war to protect the oil interests in Kuwait. Along with this was the deepening of a severe economic depression.
             1991- President Bush sends troops to the Persian Gulf in operation Desert Storm to free Kuwait. The war lasted only 42 days.

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