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Superhero movies: supersmashes or superblesses


The last three years, comic book related movies have been the hottest thing in Hollywood with Spider-man (2002) being the most successful superhero movie ever and one of the biggest box-office hits ever. This is a rough timeline of the popularity of superhero comic book movies of the last 25 years. Just like economic models, does the popularity of certain movie genres change a lot over time, being very popular at the end of the 70s, 80s, and beginning of this century, and reaching lows in the mid-80s and end of the 90s. What is the reason for this changing popularity of the superhero genre in Hollywood? In other words: why are some of these flicks such big successes and do other fail so miserably? That is what I will try to find out in this paper. I will do this by mentioning similarities between comic book inspired movies of the last 25 years and illustrating these with the movies they were found in, thus analyzing what made them fail or make them such a success. Although not all comic book inspired movies led to superhero-centered movies, I will focus solely on these considering that movies like Ghost World, Men in Black, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are not in the same genre as Batman, Daredevil, or Spider-man. .
             Power and Responsibility.
             The most prominent similarity between the successful movies is that in all of them, the focus is not on the hero, but the human behind the mask. Batman was not about a guy with a square jaw and rippling muscles. It was about Bruce Wayne, the man inside the suit. The same can be said for Superman and Spider-man. Clark Kent in Superman was not a powerful alien who always saved the day. The movie showed a boy growing-up on a farm in the Mid-West who discovered he had fantastic powers (because of his alien origin that he himself did not know of) and could help people in need by using them. Peter Parker is an average teenage kid, with the same problems and anxieties teenagers in the real world experience.

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