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report on Mali


             Population - The people of Mali in totalare a number of about.
             11,340,480 as of July 2002.
             Geography - The combined land and water area of Mali amount to just.
             about1.24 millian sq km or when speakingcomparitively, slightly less than.
             twice the size of Texas. The landlocked country has a subtropical climate.
             and goes through about three periodsof weather,a hot and dry season, a.
             humid,rainy and mild summer,and the coolest temperatures are reached in the.
             early winter months. Plains, both flat and rolling, covered in sand makeup.
             most of the country's terrain, although a savannah can be found in the south.
             and rugged hills inhabit parts of the north. Because of Mali's geographic.
             location, they are unfotunatly subject to some disturbing hazards, like dust.
             laden hazes, droughts, and occasional heavy flooding by the Niger River.
             Economy - Mali is sadly on of the poorest countries in the world this is due.
             to the fact about 65% of the country is either dessert or semi-desert, in.
             other words unusable. Therefore the country is very dependant upon foreign.
             aid, and cotten, their main export, although this makes them very vunerable.
             with fluctutions in price. The workforce is a little over three millian, but.
             have very few choices of occupation. The most of the labor force,about 80%,.
             is involved with either fishing and/or agriculture. there ,main agricultural.
             products being millit, cotten, rice, corn, peanuts, vegetibles, cattle,.
             sheep and goats. Other less common industries would include food.
             processing, construction, phospahate and gold mining. .
             Government - Mali is run by a Republic based upon a French civil law system.
             and customery law. yet they have not accepted the compulsary ICJ.
             jurisdiction. Currently they have eight Administrive regions, with Bamako.
             as their captiol and President Amadou Toumani TOURE as their chief of state.

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