their primary aim is to communicate to and audience. "The term "cultural industry" is clearly a contested, difficult one. its problems derive form the difficulty of defining "culture"" (Hesondhalgh:2002).
The Cultural Industries form a steadily growing sector of the economy and provide an important opportunity for new careers. Over the years the cultural industries have had an increasingly more important role to play in de-industrialising cities. They are providers of jobs and new economies but also, because of their cultural nature, they are also seen as industries that have a value in terms of reanimating the city, and creating an environment which appeals to tourists, investors and people who are interested in living in the city centre.
The global expansion of Hollywood and American popular culture in the first decades of the twentieth century met with strong opposition throughout the world. Determined to defeat such resistance, the Hollywood moguls created a powerful trade organization that worked closely with the US State Department in an effort to expand the American film industry's dominance worldwide. Hollywood films can be understood as one of the principal mechanisms through which American cultural and national identities are both celebrated and investigated."The largest companies no longer specialise in a particular cultural industry, such as film, publishing, television or recording; they now operate across a number of different cultural industries." (Hesmondhalgh,- 2002) Paramount is an example of this as it owns six television stations, co-owns USA Network, investment partner with MCA, it also owns motion picture theatres in 12 countries and sport teams such as New York Knicks and New York Rangers. This change in cultural industries has made it even more economically powerful as it owns a cross section of various industries.
The BBC is a public service broadcaster, it the oldest broadcaster in the world.