But, it was over and once again I had to start the cleansing process of my fashionable piercing. It took about a month and a half for it to heal properly. I had to rinse my mouth with Listerine and water every time I had something to eat. It is fun having a tongue ring because you can play with it and buy all kinds of neat things for it. After my second piercing I decided to hold out for a little while because I planned on getting my nipples pierced. To this day I still haven't pierced my nipples I guess I"m too scared because I know it's going to hurt like hell. That's a very sensitive part of a person's body. But I"m going to get them done just as soon as I find the courage, maybe not now but in due time.
Body Piercing is somewhat trendy now and has become very popular, especially amongst teenagers. "I feel that both girls and boys with body piercing if they haven't done it themselves, may have friends that used cigarettes, marijuana, and other types of drugs, (Mercola)" Females who have received a piercing seems to make them feel as if they are more of a woman; their attitudes tend to change as far as being sexually active to having failing grades in school. Boys, on the other hand, piercing are a less common trend for them. More than 4,500 young adults aged 12 to 21 have piercing in a body part other than the ear. 7.1% body piercing was amongst girls and 1.6% was amongst boys. Body piercing is a way for teens to identify themselves among each other. If one teen is drinking, the other teen is going to drink. If one teen is skipping school, the other teen is going to skip school. It's a way for teen teens to fit in with their peers.
There are many types of body piercing that can be done such as: tongue, navel, eyebrow, genital, lip, cheek, ear, and nose. Although it may seem easy to get up one day and say I"m going to get a piercing there are risks that come with the factor. When getting your body piercing there is a healing process that you must abide by which is given to you by the professional?.