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Carrer Interest


             My Carrier Interest is that i would like to get a good job in my field and be able to get me a good job. When I first signed up for this .
             Carrier course it really didn't matter becuase, I was taking this class because I had to with the field that I was going in to get my .
             Bachlor's degree in Networking. After taking the assessment test it has helped me to understand and back up my decision in what I .
             would like to pursue as my carrer. I wan't to take as much as I possibly can take that will help me with my carrier. I am confident about my .
             career choices and I have a road map to the future already developed, including what types of classes and what I will have to do to help .
             me toward my goals. I hope that i have that kind of clarity, rather, I understand what kind of position that would be rewarding for me.
             To get a better understanding of what I really want to do in life, it is helpful to evaluate myselff - your personality traits, interests, skills, and .
             work and personal values. The self-assessment process can help you to figure out the role your own special gifts will play in your work-.
             related choices. Once you have evaluated these areas, you can better evaluate potential career fields of interest.
             I am looking toward finding a job that I will love and enjoy something that is going to be good for me something that is going to make me .
             content. What I have learned when you find that you seemed to say at something and be really good at that because, you are going to.
             put your heart and soul into something that you love. This is going on my fourth year in the Networking field and I have also put to much.
             time and effort into this field so I decided to futher my future and see where it leads me. I have a mother that is a school teacher and.
             has been teaching for 2o years or more she has her Master's Degree and she tells me I need to go and and be a Teacher. So some.
             ways it is up in the air becuase, I know they have good hours but, I am still going toward my bachlor's and then I will see where I go after.

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