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History Of Midiwfery in US


             physicians. Massachusetts made it a crime for anyone but a doctor to attend a birthing woman, while Washington.
             state provided for licensure of midwives who could document formal education. Despite opinions otherwise, .
             empirical data indicated that care at the hands of midwives was comparatively safe. While it was concluded that.
             births attended by midwives had a higher infant mortality rate, this was attributed to the high numbers of poor people .
             attended by midwives relative to physicians. The 1925 White House conference on Child Health and Protection concluded.
             "untrained midwives approach, and trained midwives surpass, the record of physicians in normal deliveries", (Rooks,p.29.
             Despite such assurances, midwifery care continued to be summarily eliminated during the first half of the century.
             The consequence of this elimination was that, wherever and whenever , midwifery declined, the incidence .
             of maternal mortality and infant deaths due to injury increased, Rooks,p.30). Despite this anticipated consequence of.
             replacing midwives with physicians, by the 1930's, birth was largely in the hands of obstetricians in the US. This same era .
             marked the beginning of the natural childbirth movement and breastfeeding movements.
             Written in 1930's, but not made available in the US until 1944, was Grantly Dick-Read's book, Childbirth.
             Without Fear: The Principles and Practices of Natural Childbirth. His beliefs that women needed to understand.
             the physiology of labor and be active participant were radical at the time and he was accused of abusing women.
             Based on his writings and notions of relaxation and breathing techniques to help women manage labor, the Bradley .
             Method of husband-coached childbirth evolved. In addition the 1950's saw the emergence of Lamaze Childbirth preparation.
             as well as the founding of La Leche League breastfeeding support group. Each of these organizations spoke to the.
             growing population of women who were voicing dissatisfaction with standard hospital birthing practices.

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