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The Abuse of Oxycontin


             This has lead to many lawsuits to the company who made the prescription pill, Purdue Pherma L.P. Other lawsuits come from people trying to hold the company responsible for illegal use of the drug. Most cases of illegal use of the prescription drug are in the eastern part of the U.S. (Maker of OxyContin hit with Lawsuits, by Chris Kahn Associated Press Retrieved December 8, 2002 from http://z1.adserver.com/w/cp.x;rid=26;tid=2;ev=1;dt=3;ac=1;c=923;) These states include Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. (National Drug Intelligence Center OxyContin Diversion and Abuse January 2001.) An assistant attorney general of West Virginia is suing the company for violating consumer state laws. "They were telling doctors that OxyContin was far less addictive than other painkillers in this class of drugs," said Doug Davis, an assistant attorney general in West Virginia. "Now, we have a lot of people addicted to OxyContin in West Virginia. (Maker of OxyContin Hit With Lawsuits by Chris Kahn.) "Purdue Pharma spokesman James Heins disputed the allegations, saying victims were using the drug illegally or improperly. Dr. J. David Haddox, senior medical director, said the chances of someone becoming addicted when taking OxyContin as directed are extremely small." (Maker of OxyContin Hit With Lawsuits by Chris Kahn.) People who have made lawsuits against Purdue Pherma are trying to stop the company from making any more pills. .
             Because there are people who need the prescription drug for serious illnesses like cancer, spinal cord diseases and serious chronic pain they are disputing the lawsuits. People who take the drug are under physician supervision and are very careful when taking the drug. .
             Finally, the addiction of OxyContin is so great that people who already abuse have found out that it is very hard to quit. OxyContin is and has been abused by many teens. Since the drug is a controlled released substance many people have either crushed, snorted or injected the pill.

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