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             St. Cecilia is also known as "of celo"(heaven) and "iya" which means "of lacking blindness". She was .
             called "of celo" because she was heavenly a virgin. .
             She was called "iya" because she was always busy. Lastly "of lacking blindness" because she was .
             lacking blindness by shining of wisdom. St. Cecilia also had a good conscience or cleansed of the mind. .
             Much is left to question about this saint's life. Many people flocked to see her relics and she became the .
             center of many artistic paintings and frescoes.
             The oldest known art work of her is a rude drawing on the wall of a catacomb at San Lorenzo, .
             which dates from 817 AD. Another well-known art work is a sculpture named "Cecilia lying Dead". .
             Which was specially made to remember the attitude in which she was found. St. Cecilia's ancestors also .
             appeared in Rome's history. Her tomb was opened in 1599 and her body was found incorrupt.
             Many people are unaware that there is a saint named St. Cecilia, but I"m glad I do know who she .
             is because she makes an influence in my life. If more people find out more about her, they will be .
             astonished also. Valerian and his brother developed a ministry of giving proper to martyred Christians. In .
             return, they were arrested and sentenced to death for their faith. .
             The Acta of Cecilia in includes this: "While the profane music of her wedding was heard, Cecilia .
             was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse." It was a phrase that led to her .
             relationship with music. In another magnificent masterpiece, the marble statue beneath the high altar of .
             St. Cecilia of Rome. Carlo Maderna represented her lying face down, just as she received the death blow .
             of the executioners hand. .
             A reason St. Cecilia appears widely on many artworks is because artists like to work the "rapt .
             expression" associated with her facial expressions. Before her association with music, she was portrayed .
             with a palm in one hand and the gospel in the other.

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