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            This book is based on a true story, told from the author's perspective. Frank McCourt was originally born in America, but his father moved them to Limerick, Ireland when the family fell on tough times; his father unable to find work. .
             Frank and his family were poverty stricken due to his father's alcoholism. The book tells how he overcame his family problems and became a better person because of it. The book starts when he is five years old and continues until he is seventeen.
             Through the book Frank overcomes problems with his father's alcoholism and tries to convince himself that he will never turn out to be like him. To make sure it doesn't come true he gets himself a job as a telegram deliverer. When he is on the job he meets his first love but soon discovers that she is sick. She eventually dies and he is heartbroken; deciding to get drunk to dull the pain.
             He gets into a fight with his mother and slaps her. She tells him that he is turning into his father and Frank is shocked. He decides then that he would go back to America where he was born.
             I thought it was a great book with an ending that made you want to read more. I also think that the book makes you take a look at your life and to discover how lucky you are for what you have, even if it is not a whole lot. Also, it makes you realize that there are a lot of people that are far worse off than you are.
             This truly was an excellent book and I enjoyed reading it. I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you want to read something about Irish immigrants and how they came to America. .

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