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             Odysseus's Heroic Adventure .
             When The Odyssey was written the Greek poet Homer.
             defines his main character, Odysseus, as a great war hero. As the.
             story progresses, Odysseus is many things other than the average .
             warrior on a long journey home. One outstanding characteristic of .
             this not so typical man is his wiliness. Throughout The Odyssey, .
             Odysseus shows his leadership qualities while he overcomes .
             many obstacles during his journey home. .
             Odysseus first demonstrates his attributes when he meets the .
             Cyclops. The Cyclops confronts Odysseus and his men.
             after they trap themselves in Cyclops" lair accidentally. When.
             Polyphemus, one of the Cyclops, asks Odysseus's what his name is,.
             he identifies himself as "Nobody." His answer proves useful later on.
             when Odysseus blinds Polyphemus" only eye and the .
             other Cyclops' shout to see what the matter is . Polyphemus tells .
             them that Nobody has harmed him, so they leave without thinking .
             any more about Polyphemus situation. .
             Odysseus makes another cunning decision during his journey.
             after he learns about the possible fate of his faithful crew.
             Odysseus gains this information from a dead poet named.
             Teiresias in Erebus, known as the land of the dead. The dead man.
             tells him about Charybdis, the risky whirlpool, and Scylla.
             the six-headed, female monster. If Odysseus decides to chance his .
             crew's lives with Charybdis, all of the men might survive, or the .
             swirly monster may devour all of the crew. Odysseus contemplates a.
             plan where he could steer by Scylla and definitely lose six men, one.
             for each mouth of the monster. He decides to go through with the.
             plan and sacrifice six of his men in order to salvage the remainder of.
             his crew. What Odysseus" crew does not know however, is that.
             Teiresias tells Odysseus is that the entire crew will die, but Odysseus.
             will survive. He does not inform his men of this most likely because .
             of an internal fear of mutiny, which would have greatly jeopardized.

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