The D&A Hospital Liaison Nurse is in an ideal position to promote health, reduce risk factors and prevent illness and disease. .
On a daily basis, I am requested to review patients who are nicotine dependent. Hence, I have chosen to explore the concept of nicotine craving from a symptom management perspective. The rationale for choosing nicotine craving is primarily because, I am regularly confronted with the challenge to assist people to cease and remain abstinent from nicotine. As a health professional, this is often an extremely challenging task, particularly when patients experience cravings. .
Miller & Goldsmith (2001) explain that cravings are commonly defined as an intense desire or urge to consume a particular substance. It is likely to be experienced by most (or all) people whom are dependent on that substance. Briefly, substance dependence (or addiction) is a disorder that persists for a long period and involves the consumption or use of a drug or substance that affects the central nervous system (Stoppard, 2000).
While the exact nature of craving remains controversial, craving has been said to be a subjective state capable of motivating behavior (Tiffany, 1990). For example, cravings for nicotine are thought to lead to excessive or inappropriate use and relapse to smoking after quitting (Robinson & Berridge, 1993).
Background History:.
The context in which I will be examining the case study is in my role as the Drug and Alcohol Hospital Consultation Liaison Nurse. My function within this position includes comprehensive assessments, making treatment recommendations, providing brief interventions, education, support, co-case management of the patient within a multidisciplinary team and making referrals ( if necessary).
Patients Details, Medical History and Diagnosis:.
Mr X is a 38-year-old New Zealand born male who is currently residing alone in a caravan park. He reports a recent break up of a relationship of five years.