She spoke against Catholicism and attends a rota of non-conformist churches every Sunday. "Her disapproval of the Church of Rome was based on her assertions that it was a Church of superstition, and that only people who did not want to think for themselves were Roman Catholics."" (Page 85, 1st paragraph).
The girls forming Miss Brodie's fascisti, referred to as "the Brodie set," are selected according to their potential - their potential to be discrete, and their potential to fill Miss Brodie's designated roles. "'Give me a girl at an impressionable age, and she is mine for life'" (p. 9). Miss Brodie teaches in the Junior school because unlike the Senior School, the minds of the young girls are still quite immature, with few independent thoughts, and the constant contact through the classroom gives Miss Brodie the opportunity to mould them into characters of her choice. The girls are drawn to her by the endless stories and special attention given to them. "It occurred to her [Mary] then that the first years with Miss Brodie, sitting listening to all those stories and opinions which had nothing to do with the ordinary world, had been the happiest time of her life" (p. 15). In her prime and armed with her disciples, Miss Brodie is now ready to begin her own fascisti.
Miss Brodie was in the prime of her prime between 1930 and 1939. During this time she was invincible, both in her actions and in the eyes of the Brodie set, a set that "did not for a moment doubt that she [Miss Brodie] would prevail. As soon expect Julius Caesar to apply for a job at a crank school as Miss Brodie. She would never resign. If the authorities wanted to get rid of her she would have to be assassinated" (p. 9). As Miss Brodie the invincible, she placed many ideas into the girl's heads, guiding them even beyond their Junior school classroom. .
The first mention of Sandy's observation of similarities between what Miss Brodie had described as Mussolini's fascisti and the Brodie set occurred in 1931.