Believing that Jesus performed miracles is like believing in Santa Clause.
child I believed that Santa really existed and that he visited all the children around the world in .
one night. But how is it possible for one man to do that and stop and take a break to have .
some milk and cookies? When I was younger I marvelled at the miracle stories that I was told.
in religion class. They seemed so exciting, so different. I guess it's alright for children to.
believe in these things, but as you get older it's easier to see that things you once thought .
were true are actually false. I can tell you that the miracles that Jesus performed did not actually .
happen because of what I know as a human being. Today I do not see people being raised from .
the dead or those with hideous diseases being magically cured. Those things just do not happen, .
it would go against all that is proven true in this world. .
I believe that Jesus' miracles were totally symbolic. We cannot interpret the Bible .
literally because there are a lot of conflicting ideas in it. Jesus is portrayed in different ways, .
different Gospels give different accounts of events. So it is obvious that we cannot take the .
miracles that Jesus performed and teach others that they actually happened because we do not .
know that much about them.Our sources from that time period are very limited. The Gospel .
writers had a reason for writing what did. They wrote parables to convey messages about the.
Kingdom of God. So they also must have wrote the miracle stories as a way of getting the.
reader to see Jesus' teaching in different light.
I would like to believe that the miracle stories are true, that they actually did occur. It .
would be nice to know that miracles like that could actually happen. I know that there are .
some bizzaar things that go on in this world, some things that people would consider miracles.
I prefer to think of them as freak occurances.