With globalization comes a greater cross-border movement of both tangible and intangible goods and services, which include ownership rights and intellectual property. Globalization is usually facilitated by the significant lowering or removal of obstructions that normally hinders cross-border activities both through technological processes (especially in transportation and communications) and also the removal of policy and political hindrance (e.g. tax, investment restrictions, tariffs, labour laws, etc). What is interesting to be noted here however is the motive of globalization is usually taken charge by individual actors- firms, banks and people. Quite simply put, globalization is the creation of an almost borderless world. .
State, power and sovereignty.
It is imperative for one to fully understand the concepts of state, power and sovereignty in order to adequately answer this question. Definitions alone cannot begin to explain the complexities of these lexicons, however due to the constraint nature of this essay, definitions alone should be sufficed.
The state is defined as a set of political institutions whose specific concerns is with the organization of domination, in the name of common interest, within a delimited territory. In international relations, a state in its conventional structure is possibly most suitably described as a clearly distinct territory which: (i) is acknowledged internationally as a state, (ii) is presided over by a government able to construct and implement independent decisions regarding domestic policy and law and foreign policy, (iii) is permanently occupied by an explicit population. The state is questionably the most fundamental theory in the reading of politics and its definition is thus the point of passionate academic contestation.
Power is the capacity to make people (or things) do what they would not otherwise have done. Power is classified into five principal forms: force, persuasion, authority, coercion and manipulation.